Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Email Address:

Phone Number:

What is your current address?

What is your current situation that is making it difficult to feed your pets?

How many pets & what kind do you have?

Are your pets currently spayed & neutered? If not, explain.

How long do you feel like you will pet food assistance for?

PLEASE READ: We ask that you take a long look at your situation and are you really at the point where you can not afford the cost of pet food? Meaning your not smoking, buying starbucks or paying a fancy car payment vs feeding your pet. We are a pet food pantry looking to help desperate people on a temporary basis. We want to make sure that all families who are desperate get the help they deserve and that no one is taking from that.

We do not condone irresponsible breeding. We do not donate pet food to anyone selling pets or breeding them. You agree that you are not involved in this activity and have no future plans to do so.


We donate up to 6 pets if the pet food is available
-We do not deliver, we have (2) donation stations - Woodstock GA and Atlanta GA, you must plan accordingly to pick up pet food
-All pets should live in a clean & healthy environment
-You will need a valid drivers license or identification upon pick up
-If we donate to you longer then (1) full month we ask that you pay it forward by volunteering with Pet Buddies or another group that helps homeless animals

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